Welcome to SayaArab!
At SayaArab, we believe that language is the gateway to understanding cultures and connecting with people worldwide. Our mission is to make learning Arabic accessible, engaging, and effective for everyone, regardless of their location.
Who We Are
SayaArab is an innovative online platform that offers instant access to private lessons with hundreds of patient, professional, native Arabic-speaking tutors from Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Oman, and beyond. We are dedicated to providing a personalized learning experience tailored to each student's needs, goals, and schedule.
Our mission is to help entrepreneurs and tutors set up their own online tutoring platforms like Verbling, Preply, and Cambly. We help them reach the pinnacle of their career by enabling them to launch their own tutoring platform using our readymade solution.
We, being the leaders and industry experts, provide our turnkey edtech solution, to help entrepreneurs to start their tutoring businesses. Our aim is to offer an easy and hassle-free process for them to enter the market and become a pioneer.
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Our tutors are not just native speakers; they are passionate educators with a deep understanding of the Arabic language and culture. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our tutors offer the expertise and encouragement you need to succeed.
CEO & Founder
Sales/Marketing Head
Creative Director
Tech Lead
Sales/Marketing Head
Creative Director
Languages Available to Learn
Teachers From 120 Countries
Learners From 180 Countries